Showing results 150 to 169 of 262
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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
29-Apr-2015 | Measurement of the Z gamma production cross section in pp collisions at 8 TeV and search for anomalous triple gauge boson couplings | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T; et al |
10-Dec-2016 | Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and Z → ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′− branching fraction in pp collisions at... | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
10-Sep-2016 | Measurement of the Zγ → ννγ production cross section in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV and limits on anomalous ZZγ and Zγ γ trilinear gauge boson couplings | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
Nov-2013 | Measurement of the Υ (1S), Υ (2S), and Υ (3S) cross sections in pp collisions at √s = 7 TeV | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |
20-Feb-2013 | Measurement of the Υ(1S), Υ(2S), and Υ(3S) Polarizations in pp Collisions at √s = 7 TeV | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |
17-Sep-2014 | Measurement of top quark–antiquark pair production in association with a W or Z boson in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T; et al |
7-Aug-2014 | Measurement of WZ and ZZ production in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV in final states with b-tagged jets | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |
9-Apr-2015 | Measurements of differential and double-differential Drell-Yan cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T; et al |
13-Mar-2017 | Measurements of differential cross sections for associated production of a W boson and jets in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeV | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
3-Jun-2013 | Measurements of differential jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV with the CMS detector | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |
5-Apr-2017 | Measurements of differential production cross sections for a Z boson in association with jets in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
10-Sep-2016 | Measurements of t(t)over-bar charge asymmetry using dilepton final states in pp collisions at √s = 8 TeV | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
18-Jul-2016 | Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHC pp collision data at root s=7 and 8 TeV | Aad, G; Abbott, B; Abdallah, J; Abdinov, O; Abeloos, B; et al |
Jan-2017 | Measurements of the tt¯ production cross section in lepton+jets final states in pp collisions at 8 TeV and ratio of 8 to 7 TeV cross sections | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
29-Oct-2015 | Measurements of the ZZ production cross sections in the 2l2ν channel in proton–proton collisions at √s = 7 and 8 TeV and combined constraints on triple gauge couplings | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T; et al |
7-Oct-2015 | Measurements of the ϒ(1S), ϒ(2S), and ϒ(3S) differential cross sections in pp collisions at √s=7 TeV | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Bergauer, T; et al |
7-Mar-2014 | Modification of jet shapes in PbPb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |
10-May-2017 | Multiplicity and rapidity dependence of strange hadron production in pp, pPb, and PbPb collisions at the LHC | Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; et al |
23-Jul-2013 | Multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence of two- and four-particle correlations in pPb and PbPb collisions | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |
21-Dec-2012 | A New Boson with a Mass of 125 GeV Observed with the CMS Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider | Chatrchyan, S; Khachatryan, V; Sirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; et al |