Browsing by Author Wollack, Edward
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
20-Mar-2012 | THE ATACAMA COSMOLOGY TELESCOPE: ACT-CL J0102-4915 “EL GORDO,” A MASSIVE MERGING CLUSTER AT REDSHIFT 0.87 | Menanteau, Felipe; Hughes, John P; Sifon, Cristobal; Hilton, Matt; Gonzalez, Jorge; et al |
1-Apr-2014 | The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: dusty star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei in the Southern survey | Marsden, Danica; Gralla, Megan; Marriage, Tobias A; Switzer, Eric R; Partridge, Bruce; et al |
25-Jan-2021 | The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: SZ-based masses and dust emission from IR-selected cluster candidates in the SHELA survey | Fuzia, Brittany J; Kawinwanichakij, Lalitwadee; Mehrtens, Nicola; Aiola, Simone; Battaglia, Nicholas; et al |
20-Jun-2012 | POWER-LAW TEMPLATE FOR INFRARED POINT-SOURCE CLUSTERING | Addison, Graeme E.; Dunkley, Jo; Hajian, Amir; Viero, Marco; Bond, J Richard; et al |