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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
26-Feb-2021 | Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XII. Extended [C II] Structure (Merger or Outflow) in a z = 6.72 Red Quasar | Izumi, Takuma; Onoue, Masafusa; Matsuoka, Yoshiki; Strauss, Michael A; Fujimoto, Seiji, et al |
20-Jan-2021 | Placing High-redshift Quasars in Perspective: A Catalog of Spectroscopic Properties from the Gemini Near Infrared Spectrograph-Distant Quasar Survey | Matthews, Brandon M; Shemmer, Ohad; Dix, Cooper; Brotherton, Michael S; Myers, Adam D, et al |
22-Jan-2018 | Cancer dormancy and criticality from a game theory perspective | Wu, Amy; Liao, David; Kirilin, Vlamimir; Lin, Ke-Chih; Torga, Gonzalo, et al |
1-Dec-2011 | Planck early results. VIII. The all-sky early Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample | Ade, PAR; Aghanim, N; Arnaud, M; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J, et al |
1-Dec-2011 | Planck early results. XVIII. The power spectrum of cosmic infrared background anisotropies | Ade, PAR; Aghanim, N; Arnaud, M; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J, et al |
9-Apr-2018 | SPLASH-SXDF Multi-wavelength Photometric Catalog | Mehta, Vihang; Scarlata, Claudia; Capak, Peter; Davidzon, Iary; Faisst, Andreas, et al |
1-Mar-2019 | Gemini GNIRS Near-infrared Spectroscopy of 50 Quasars at z >= 5.7 | Shen, Yue; Wu, Jin; Jiang, Linhua; Ba nados, Eduardo; Fan, Xiaohui, et al |
21-Jun-2018 | Wavelength-dependent PSFs and their impact on weak lensing measurements | Carlsten, SG; Strauss, Michael A; Lupton, Robert H; Meyers, Joshua E; Miyazaki, Satoshi |
12-Nov-2018 | No Evidence for Millimeter Continuum Source Overdensities in the Environments of z > approx 6 Quasars | Champagne, Jaclyn B; Decarli, Roberto; Casey, Caitlin M; Venemans, Bram; Ba nados, Eduardo, et al |
8-May-2019 | Star Formation and ISM Properties in the Host Galaxies of Three Far-infrared Luminous Quasars at z approx 6 | Shao, Yali; Wang, Ran; Carilli, Chris L; Wagg, Jeff; Walter, Fabian, et al |