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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
31-Aug-2018Diminished Expectations: Redistributive Preferences in Truncated Welfare StatesHolland, Alisha C.
2013Right on Crime?: Conservative Party Politics and Mano Dura Policies in El SalvadorHolland, Alisha C.
4-Aug-2018Enforcement Process Tracing: Forbearance and Dilution in Urban Colombia and TurkeyBozçağa, Tuğba; Holland, Alisha C.
Jul-2013On the Nature of Competition in Alternative Electoral SystemsIaryczower, Matias; Mattozzi, Andrea
Oct-2017Competing for Loyalty: The Dynamics of Rallying SupportIaryczower, Matias; Oliveros, Santiago
20-Jun-2016Simulating representation: The devil’s in the detailGilens, Martin I.
May-2019Using a probabilistic model to assist merging of large-scale administrative recordsEnamorado, Ted; Fifield, Benjamin; Imai, Kosuke
Jul-2015Polarizing the electoral connection: Partisan representation in Supreme Court confirmation politicsKastellec, John; Lax, JR; Malecki, M; Phillips, JH
Aug-2014Mediation: R package for causal mediation analysisTingley, Dustin; Yamamoto, Teppei; Hirose, Kentaro; Keele, Luke; Imai, Kosuke
Jan-2013The supreme court and percolation in the lower courts: An optimal stopping modelClark, Tom S.; Kastellec, John