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Widely spaced planes of magnetic dimers in the Ba6⁢Y2⁢Rh2⁢Ti2⁢O17−𝛿 hexagonal perovskite

Author(s): Nguyen, Loi T; Straus, Daniel B; Zhang, Q; Cava, Robert J

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Abstract: We report the synthesis and initial characterization of Ba6⁢Y2⁢Rh2⁢Ti2⁢O17−𝛿, a previously unreported material, to the best of our knowledge, with a hexagonal symmetry structure. Face-sharing Rh⁢O6 octahedra form triangular planes of Rh2⁢O9 dimers that are widely separated in the perpendicular direction. The material displays a small effective magnetic moment, due to the Rh ions present, and a negative Curie-Weiss temperature. The charge transport and optical band gaps are very similar, near 0.16 eV. A large upturn in the heat capacity at temperatures below 1 K, suppressed by applied magnetic fields larger than 𝜇0⁢H=2T, is observed. A large T-linear term in the specific heat (𝛾=166mJ/molf.uK2) is seen, although the material is insulating at low temperatures. These results suggest the possibility of a spin liquid ground state in this material.
Publication Date: 31-Mar-2021
Electronic Publication Date: 31-Mar-2021
Citation: Nguyen, Loi T, Straus, Daniel B, Zhang, Q, Cava, RJ. (2021) Widely spaced planes of magnetic dimers in the Ba6⁢Y2⁢Rh2⁢Ti2⁢O17−𝛿 hexagonal perovskite. Physical Review Materials, 5 (3), 10.1103/physrevmaterials.5.034419
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevmaterials.5.034419
EISSN: 2475-9953
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review Materials
Version: Author's manuscript

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