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Zr5Sb3-xRux, a new superconductor in the W5Si3 structure type

Author(s): Xie, Weiwei; Luo, Huixia; Phelan, Brendan F; Cava, Robert J

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Abstract: We report that at low Ru contents, up to x = 0.2, the Zr5Sb3−xRux solid solution forms in the hexagonal Mn5Si3 structure type of the host (x = 0), but that at higher Ru contents (x = 0.4–0.6) the solid solution transforms into the tetragonal W5Si3 structure type. We find that tetragonal Zr5Sb2.4Ru0.6 is superconducting at 5 K, significantly higher than the transition temperature of hexagonal Zr5Sb3 (x = 0), which has a Tc of 2.3 K. In support of a hypothesis that certain structure types are favorable for superconductivity, we describe how the W5Si3 and Tl5Te3 structure types, both of which support superconductivity, are derived from the parent Al2Cu type structure, in which superconductors are also found. Electronic structure calculations show that in Zr10Sb5Ru, a model for the new superconducting compound, the Fermi level is located on a peak in the electronic density of states.
Publication Date: 13-Jul-2015
Electronic Publication Date: 2015
Citation: Xie, Weiwei, Luo, Huixia, Phelan, Brendan F, Cava, Robert J. (2015) Zr5Sb3-xRux, a new superconductor in the W5Si3 structure type. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 3 (31), 8235 - 8240. doi:10.1039/c5tc01818h
DOI: doi:10.1039/c5tc01818h
ISSN: 2050-7526
EISSN: 2050-7534
Pages: 8235 - 8240
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Version: Author's manuscript

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