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Spin-specific heat determination of the ratio of competing first- and second-neighbor exchange interactions in frustrated spin-1/2 chains

Author(s): Dey, Dayasindhu; Kumar, Manoranjan; Dutton, SiΓ’n E; Cava, Robert J; Soos, ZoltΓ‘n G

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Abstract: The magnetic susceptibility πœ’β‘(𝑇) of spin- 1 2 chains is widely used to quantify exchange interactions, even though πœ’β‘(𝑇) is similar for different combinations of ferromagnetic 𝐽1 between first neighbors and antiferromagnetic 𝐽2 between second neighbors. We point out that the spin-specific heat 𝐢⁑(𝑇) directly determines the ratio 𝛼=𝐽2/|𝐽1| of competing interactions. The 𝐽1βˆ’π½2 model is used to fit the isothermal magnetization 𝑀⁑(𝑇,𝐻) and 𝐢⁑(𝑇,𝐻) of spin- 1/2 Cu(II) chains in LiCuSbO4. By fixing 𝛼,𝐢⁑(𝑇) resolves the offsetting 𝐽1,𝛼 combinations obtained from 𝑀⁑(𝑇,𝐻) in cuprates with frustrated spin chains.
Publication Date: 12-Feb-2018
Electronic Publication Date: 12-Feb-2018
Citation: Dey, Dayasindhu, Kumar, Manoranjan, Dutton, SiΓ’n E, Cava, Robert J, Soos, ZoltΓ‘n G. Spin-specific heat determination of the ratio of competing first- and second-neighbor exchange interactions in frustrated spin-1/2 chains. Physical Review B, 97 (6), 10.1103/physrevb.97.064407
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevb.97.064407
ISSN: 2469-9950
EISSN: 2469-9969
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review B
Version: Author's manuscript

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