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Structural disorder and elementary magnetic properties of triangular lattice ErMgGaO4 single crystals

Author(s): Cevallos, F Alex; Stolze, Karoline; Cava, Robert J

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Abstract: The single crystal growth, structure, and basic magnetic properties of ErMgGaO4 are reported. The structure consists of triangular layers of magnetic ErO6 octahedra separated by a double layer of randomly occupied non-magnetic (Ga,Mg)O5 bipyramids. The Er atoms are positionally disordered. Magnetic measurements parallel and perpendicular to the c axis of a single crystal reveal dominantly antiferromagnetic interactions, with a small degree of magnetic anisotropy. A weighted average of the directional data suggests an antiferromagnetic Curie Weiss temperature of approximately −30 K. Below 10 K the temperature dependences of the inverse susceptibilities in the in-plane and perpendicular-to plane directions are parallel, indicative of an isotropic magnetic moment at low temperatures. No sign of magnetic ordering is observed above 1.8 K, suggesting that ErMgGaO4 is a geometrically frustrated magnet.
Publication Date: 23-Mar-2018
Citation: Cevallos, F Alex, Stolze, Karoline, Cava, Robert J. (2018). Structural disorder and elementary magnetic properties of triangular lattice ErMgGaO4 single crystals. Solid State Communications, 276 (5 - 8. doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2018.03.015
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.ssc.2018.03.015
ISSN: 0038-1098
Pages: 5 - 8
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Solid State Communications
Version: Author's manuscript

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