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Single-Crystal Growth and Thermoelectric Properties of Ge(Bi,Sb)4Te7

Author(s): von Rohr, Fabian; Schilling, Andreas; Cava, Robert J

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Abstract: The thermoelectric properties between 10 and 300 K and the growth of single crystals of n-type and p-type GeBi4Te7, GeSb4Te7 and Ge(Bi1−xSbx)4Te7 solid solution are reported. Single crystals were grown by the modified Bridgman method, and p-type behavior was achieved by the substitution of Bi by Sb in GeBi4Te7. The thermopower in the Ge(Bi1−xSbx)4Te7 solid solution ranges from −117 to +160 μV K−1. The crossover from n-type to p-type is continuous with increasing Sb content and is observed at x ≈0.15. The highest thermoelectric efficiencies among the tested n-type and p-type samples are ZnT = 0.11 and ZpT = 0.20, respectively. For an optimal n–p couple in this alloy system the composite figure of merit is ZnpT = 0.17 at room temperature.
Publication Date: 23-Jan-2013
Electronic Publication Date: 23-Jan-2013
Citation: von Rohr, Fabian, Schilling, Andreas, Cava, Robert J. (2013). Single-Crystal Growth and Thermoelectric Properties of Ge(Bi,Sb)4Te7. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25 (7), 075804 - 075804. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/7/075804
DOI: doi:10.1088/0953-8984/25/7/075804
ISSN: 0953-8984
EISSN: 1361-648X
Pages: 075804 - 075804
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Version: Author's manuscript

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