Browsing by Author Klebanov, Igor R
Showing results 13 to 32 of 34
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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
15-Apr-2014 | Higher spin AdS(d+1)/CFTd at one loop | Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Safdi, Benjamin R |
Mar-2015 | Interpolating between a and F | Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R |
Oct-2012 | Is renormalized entanglement entropy stationary at RG fixed points? | Klebanov, Igor R; Nishioka, Tatsuma; Pufu, Silviu S; Safdi, Benjamin R |
7-Oct-2019 | Majorana fermion quantum mechanics for higher rank tensors | Klebanov, Igor R; Pallegar, Preethi N; Popov, Fedor K |
Aug-2016 | On C-J and C-T in conformal QED | Giombi, Simone; Tarnopolsky, Grigory; Klebanov, Igor R |
7-Oct-2016 | On C-J and C-T in the Gross-Neveu and O(N) models | Diab, Kenan S; Fei, Lin; Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |
Oct-2017 | On large N limit of symmetric traceless tensor models | Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |
Jul-2012 | On shape dependence and RG flow of entanglement entropy | Klebanov, Igor R; Nishioka, Tatsuma; Pufu, Silviu S; Safdi, Benjamin R |
Dec-2013 | One loop tests of higher spin AdS/CFT | Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R |
15-Jul-2014 | Partition functions and Casimir energies in higher spin AdS(d+1)/CFTd | Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tseytlin, Arkady A |
14-Nov-2018 | Prismatic large N models for bosonic tensors | Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Popov, Fedor; Prakash, Shiroman; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |
Apr-2012 | Renyi entropies for free field theories | Klebanov, Igor R; Pufu, Silviu S; Sachdev, Subir; Safdi, Benjamin R |
23-Feb-2021 | RG limit cycles and unconventional fixed points in perturbative QFT | Jepsen, Christian B; Klebanov, Igor R; Popov, Fedor K |
31-May-2018 | Spectra of eigenstates in fermionic tensor quantum mechanics | Klebanov, Igor R; Milekhin, Alexey; Popov, Fedor; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |
29-Jan-2018 | Spectra of Operators in Large N Tensor Models | Bulycheva, Ksenia; Klebanov, Igor R; Milekhin, Alexey; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |
10-Jan-2019 | Spectrum of Majorana Quantum Mechanics with O(4)3 Symmetry | Pakrouski, Kiryl; Klebanov, Igor R; Popov, Fedor; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |
27-Nov-2020 | Spontaneous breaking of U(1) symmetry in coupled complex SYK models | Klebanov, Igor R; Milekhin, Alexey; Tarnopolsky, Grigory; Zhao, Wenli |
6-Sep-2012 | Strange metals in one spatial dimension | Gopakumar, Rajesh; Hashimoto, Akikazu; Klebanov, Igor R; Sachdev, Subir; Schoutens, Kareljan |
31-May-2019 | Symmetry Breaking in Coupled SYK or Tensor Models | Kim, Jaewon; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory; Zhao, Wenli |
15-Feb-2015 | Three loop analysis of the critical O(N) models in 6-epsilon dimensions | Fei, Lin; Giombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor R; Tarnopolsky, Grigory |