Browsing by Author Choi, Steve K
Showing results 26 to 37 of 37
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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
2016 | The design and characterization of wideband spline-profiled feedhorns for Advanced ACTPol | Simon, Sara M; Austermann, Jason; Beall, James A; Choi, Steve K; Coughlin, Kevin P; et al |
Aug-2021 | In Situ Performance of the Low Frequency Array for Advanced ACTPol | Li, Yaqiong; Austermann, Jason E; Beall, James A; Bruno, Sarah Marie; Choi, Steve K; et al |
2016 | Mechanical design and development of TES bolometer detector arrays for the Advanced ACTPol experiment | Ward, Jonathan T; Austermann, Jason; Beall, James A; Choi, Steve K; Crowley, Kevin T; et al |
Dec-2015 | Polarized galactic synchrotron and dust emission and their correlation | Choi, Steve K; Page Jr, Lyman A |
8-Dec-2021 | Probing Galaxy Evolution in Massive Clusters Using ACT and DES: Splashback as a Cosmic Clock | Adhikari, Susmita; Shin, Tae-hyeon; Jain, Bhuvnesh; Hilton, Matt; Baxter, Eric; et al |
2016 | Readout of two-kilopixel transition-edge sensor arrays for Advanced ACTPol | Henderson, Shawn W; Stevens, Jason R; Amiri, Mandana; Austermann, Jason; Beall, James A; et al |
4-Sep-2018 | Results from the Atacama B-mode Search (ABS) experiment | Kusaka, Akito; Appel, John; Essinger-Hileman, Thomas; Beall, James A; Campusano, Luis E; et al |
21-Jul-2022 | The Simons Observatory 220 and 280 GHz Focal-Plane Module: Design and Initial Characterization | Healy, Erin; Dutcher, Daniel; Atkins, Zachary; Austermann, Jason; Choi, Steve K; et al |
8-Oct-2022 | Simons Observatory Focal-Plane Module: In-lab Testing and Characterization Program | Wang, Yuhan; Zheng, Kaiwen; Atkins, Zachary; Austermann, Jason; Bhandarkar, Tanay; et al |
2018 | The Simons Observatory: Instrument Overview | Galitzki, Nicholas; Ali, Aamir; Arnold, Kam S; Ashton, Peter C; Austermann, Jason E; et al |
31-May-2021 | Strong detection of the CMB lensing and galaxy weak lensing cross-correlation from ACT-DR4, Planck Legacy, and KiDS-1000 | Robertson, Naomi Clare; Alonso, David; Harnois-Déraps, Joachim; Darwish, Omar; Kannawadi, Arun; et al |
10-Apr-2019 | Weak-lensing Mass Calibration of ACTPol Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Clusters with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey | Miyatake, Hironao; Battaglia, Nicholas; Hilton, Matt; Medezinski, Elinor; Nishizawa, Atsushi J; et al |